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Wondrx used Metamug to launch APIs for their Mobile apps.

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Wondrx with its smart Rx technology has digitized the prescriptions for doctors. With its technology and apps, wondrx connects patients, partners and doctors.

Mumbai, India

APIs over Existing Database

The requirement was to build REST API layer over an existing database for two mobile apps, one app for Patients and another for Health Partners.

Metamug was introduced. Our implementation team worked with developers and the agency to help develop and integrate APIs for the apps. Along the way we helped launch the apps and the production server for Wondrx.


  • Utilize the existing database to build APIs on top of it for Health partners and Patients apps
  • Building APIs in short span for pilot launch
  • Deploy and Launch API server
  • Provide a secure Authentication process

Metamug Console Dev Server

The patient, health partner APIs were developed using metamug console on hosted dev server. It served as a unified dev environment for development and integration with the apps.

The app developers could test apis into their dev test kits with the help of metamug console api usage statistics and visual error logging.

API Development

Our implementation team built schema for patient and partner app extending the existing database schema for doctor backend.

wondrx usecase solved by metamug

Request Configuration

API development involved writing xml configuration to map API requests to queries. The queries for the requests were tailored to meet business requirements.


Our Implementation team built a token based authentication system to authenticate incoming requests from both apps.

Payment Integration

API plugin was written to send payment information to payment gateway. The api plugin communicated with REST resources accepting payment requests.

Registration & SMS Integration

Another plugin was developed to send OTP for registration. The registration process included generation of the tokens and OTP generation.

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