Event Streaming is not pub-sub

Difference betweeen event streaming and pub-sub

Event Streaming differs from traditional publisher-subscriber mechanism. Both these technologies fall under message oriented middleware.

Criteria Pub-Sub Event Streaming
Implementation Using message brokers like ApacheMQ, Using event streaming platform like kafka
Message Storage Deleted after messages consumed Stored regardless of consumption
New Subscribers New subscribers cannot access old messages Newly added subscribers on topic can access old data

Event Streaming in heterogenous environment

Event driven architecture is useful in a herogenous environment, when the event can be used to perform different activites across services.

For example, if a customer places an order on an online store, besides having a subscriber that fulfills the order, we can have a search service that subscribes to index the event into the search database. Both these services, order-fulfillment and search-service can be built upon RDBMS and elastic respectively.