Crud Vs Rest API - What's the Difference?

In this article we'll compare the differences between CRUD APIs and REST APIs

What is CRUD?

The term "CRUD" stands for Create Read Update Delete. It refers to how data is stored in an application. For example, when you create a new user account on a website, you're creating a record in a database that stores information about that user. Then, when you read that same user's profile, you're reading the record in the database. Finally, when you update that user's profile, you change the record in the database to reflect the changes you made.

The Basics of CRUD vs REST APIs

A RESTful API is one where the client makes requests using HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. These requests are sent to a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that has been defined by the server. This means that the client must make these requests through a web browser.

The disarray among CRUD and REST originates from the way that communicating with REST applications frequently includes the utilization of CRUD like capabilities. This is on the grounds that REST applications are worked around assets (as illustrated in the Uniform Connection point imperative), which can be made, read, refreshed, and erased, very much like sections in an assortment of information.

We should plunge somewhat more profound. More often than not, when we discuss REST, we allude to web APIs that stick to the requirements of REST — or REST APIs. By the idea of REST APIs being served over the web, these APIs speak with clients utilizing the HTTP convention, which has its own arrangement of strategies for information control: GET, POST, Erase, PUT, and Fix, among others. What's more, looking at this logically, there's plainly a few cross-over between HTTP strategies and CRUD capabilities: