Understanding the Difference Between API and REST API

APIs and REST APIs are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. Learn about the differences between these two types of APIs in this informative guide.

Distinguish between APIs and REST APIs. This guide elucidates the unique attributes of each to help you navigate their uses in software development.

What is an API?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a structured set of protocols and tools designed for building software applications. At its core, an API facilitates the dialogue between different software entities, allowing for:

  • Integration of disparate applications.
  • Access to functionalities, data, or services from other platforms.
  • Exposing your application’s functionalities for external utilization.

Simply put, think of APIs as the bridges connecting isolated islands of software applications.

What is a REST API?

REST (Representational State Transfer) delineates a software architectural style centered on a specific set of principles for web services. An API conforming to REST standards is termed a RESTful API. Key attributes include:

  • Utilization of HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for data interactions.
  • Stateless operations, where each request is self-sufficient, encapsulating all required data.
  • Favorable attributes such as simplicity, flexibility, and scalability make them a popular choice in modern web services.

API vs. REST API: Spotlighting the Differences

  1. Scope: While the term "API" is generic, encompassing all interfaces for system-to-system communication, "REST API" denotes a specific subtype adhering to REST principles.
  2. Protocol Flexibility: RESTful APIs predominantly operate via HTTP requests. In contrast, traditional APIs can operate over multiple protocols, not restricted to HTTP.
  3. State Management: RESTful APIs champion statelessness, ensuring each request remains independent without relying on prior or future requests. Traditional APIs, however, might occasionally necessitate additional context for communication.

Benefits of Using APIs

  • Interoperability: APIs allow for seamless integration between systems irrespective of their underlying technologies or platforms.
  • Modularity and Reusability: By breaking down functionalities into APIs, developers can reuse them across multiple projects without redundancy.
  • Rapid Development: APIs can speed up the software development process as developers can leverage existing functionalities instead of building everything from scratch.

Advantages of RESTful APIs Over Other APIs

  • Stateless Nature: This ensures that each request from a client to a server contains all the information needed to understand and process the request.
  • Scalability: RESTful APIs can handle a large number of requests, making them ideal for public-facing web services.
  • Language and Platform Independence: As long as the platform supports HTTP, it can use RESTful APIs.
  • Intuitive Design: The use of standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) makes it easy for developers to understand and use.

When to Use Which?

  • RESTful API: Ideal for web applications where scalability, statelessness, and simplicity are crucial. Examples include cloud services, mobile services, and public APIs for services like social media sites.
  • Other APIs: Useful when there's a need for continuous communication or stateful interactions. For instance, gaming applications, real-time chat applications, or systems with specific protocol requirements.


APIs, in their various forms, offer developers powerful tools to integrate, innovate, and streamline their applications. While RESTful APIs provide specific advantages in web services due to their scalable and stateless nature, other APIs serve crucial roles where those specific attributes are not a primary concern. By understanding their unique features, developers can make informed decisions tailored to their project’s needs.